Delphi - the ex-voto of the Tarentines

13) Ex-voto of the Tarentines

Period: approx. 473 B.C.

In this area, a 12 meter long pedestal and votive inscriptions were discovered. These were erected in Delphi by the Spartan colony of Taras (Taranto, in South Italy), in 473 B.C. after a victory against the native tribes of the Messapions.

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The reconstruction map of Delphi, by the Archaeological Guide of Greece

Designed and produced for a convenient and handy use in site and at home, it will assist you to visualize the Sanctuary of Apollo, where theOracle of Delphi was, the Ancient Theater, the Stadion, the Gymnasion of Delphi and the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia.

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