Delphi - the Admirals of the Spartans

4) The Admirals of the Spartans (37 statues)

Period: approx. 404 B.C.

Across from the Corkyrans’ bronze bull, Sparta placed an imposing votive offering with thirty-seven bronze statues, commemorating their victory at the Battle of Aegospotami (405 B.C.), which marked the end of the Peloponnesian War with the defeat of Athens.

The votive offering was placed in the most publicly visible place of the sanctuary close to the entrance, so it would be situated in front of the Athenian’s monument commemorating their victory in Marathon. The Athenian’s monument was set a little more to the west and had been there for years.

With nearly three times the number of statues, which came from the spoils of their victory against the Athenians, the Spartans wanted to overshadow the Athenian’s monument, so it wouldn’t be seen first upon entering the Delphi sanctuary.

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The reconstruction map of Delphi, by the Archaeological Guide of Greece

Designed and produced for a convenient and handy use in site and at home, it will assist you to visualize the Sanctuary of Apollo, where theOracle of Delphi was, the Ancient Theater, the Stadion, the Gymnasion of Delphi and the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia.

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